
Bike Commuting

I finally made an appointment to get my hair cut. Recently, I was looking like Cousin It with the astronomical amount of hair growing from my head. It was ridiculously long and I was not able to style it very often because of the time commitment involved. We finally had enough money in our Hair Care envelope to get both Sam and I haircuts. We go to the same place (The Blue Ribbon) and to the same stylist. She sweetly gives a 10% discount to anyone who rides their bike to the shop. As her cuts are already on the cheap side (but still awesome), and she offers a free Pabst to anyone who comes in, her place is where we now frequent. Really, it's probably only 1 1/2 miles from our house. There's no reason not to bike.

Yesterday, on the other hand, there was a reason...it was raining and it was December. That rain was COLD. Being the tightwad that I am, I donned Sam's bike rain gear, red-blinky light and headed on down the road.

I neglected to realize that by the time I would be riding home it would be dark, and even colder. My fingers and face were frozen by the time I got home. You see, the ride there is uphill mostly and therefore very warming. The way home is downhill with icy breezes freezing every part of you. Nothing some hot cocoa can't cure!

I would say biking there was worth it, but come to find out we had a free haircut waiting for us. Beth also does a punch card and every 8th cut is FREE. Awesome, but the whole riding the bike was a bit pointless this go around. Not pointless, I'm sure the earth and my heart thank me.

Side note: That's my relatively new bike I got for commuting and tooling around town (like biking to the hair salon). THANK YOU to Ann Lee and Dave for selling my old bike (more of a road bike) for a sweet price! We celebrated last night with an annual trip to our go-to restaurant Heiwa and a nightcap of sweetness at the Chocolate Lounge. Thanks again you guys!

Another side note: If you're looking for something to do this Saturday check out the Holiday Bazaar hosted by West Asheville Businesses. There's sure to be some great bargains, and you'd be supporting those awesome local businesses that I can bike to! Also, the City Market is having a holiday bash. Hopefully, you'll see us at both, perhaps on our bikes with a Chariot in tow.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on the biking! Way to go in the cold and rain. Totally worth it :)


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