
The News

About a week ago now, (I know, I'm not very punctual), Sam came home from work and said:

"Guess what...I found out that Dave Ramsey is on the radio on my way home, and, guess what I learned."

Here's the story he heard: A woman called in who is in the exact situation we're in: She and her husband are currently living on the cash system and are trying to pay down their debt. She is pregnant right now and wondering what she should do to prepare for the little one coming soon. Dave told her that she should stop with her debt bomb and take each monthly bomb and put that into savings for the little one (just in case). Once the baby is born and the bills are paid, take that giant pot of leftover money and put it into your debt in one huge bomb. BAM.

While this is good news in that, we'll be prepared for whatever might lay ahead (financially anyway), it's a bit disappointing to work on the budget and feel like we're not getting anywhere with our debt. Sam set up a little table on our Numbers spreadsheet to add up each debt bomb so we can keep track of what's in that pot.

All this to say that our number up there on that banner will be staying stationary for a while. Come this fall we'll have a new baby and a giant debt bomb to put forth (pending no problems)!

Here's some pics of my current baby (yes, he's still my baby):

Oatmeal and Yogurt is delicious.


  1. Don't you love when that happens- you get what you need exactly when you need it. It's great.

    And I'll have to try yogurt and oatmeal- thats new for me.

    xoxo to you three and the bun.

    Heather Rose
    And many thanks for the birthday wishes Batman.


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